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Mastering the Basics: A Beginner’s Guide to Hand Boarding

Hand boarding, also known as stand-up paddle boarding (SUP), has become an increasingly popular water sport in recent years. It offers a fun way to enjoy the water while getting a full-body workout. For beginners, it may seem intimidating at first.

However, by starting with the basics and taking the time to master key skills, anyone can learn how to handboard. This beginner’s guide covers everything you need to know to get started with handboarding and safely develop your abilities.

3 skateboards

Selecting the Right Board

Your handboard is the most important piece of equipment for this sport. There are a few key factors to consider when selecting your first board:

Board Size

Larger boards (10’6″ to 11’6″) are best for beginners. A longer, wider board will provide more stability as you learn to balance and maneuver. Shorter boards are faster but harder to stand up on initially. Look for a board that is at least 30-34 inches wide for stability. The extra buoyancy of a larger board will also make it more forgiving as you develop proper balancing techniques.

Board Shape

Choose an all-around shape that is wider in the middle and narrower at the ends. This will be stable yet able to pivot reasonably well. Avoid race shapes that are extremely narrow. A rounded nose and squared-off tail work well for beginners. The wider nose adds buoyancy while the square tail provides some maneuverability.

Construction Material

Epoxy boards are durable, lightweight, and extra buoyant. This makes them a great choice for beginners. Inflatable boards are also very convenient for storage and travel but may be less rigid and slower. Once you advance, you may want to consider a fiberglass board for increased performance. Avoid heavy solid wood boards in the beginning.


Beginner boards should have a single fin to help track. Eventually, you may want to add a center fin plus side fins for better tracking and turning ability. Removable fins allow you to start with a single fin and add more later. Fins also come in different sizes and materials, so you can customize them as your abilities progress.

Additional Features

Look for a board with deck pad material to provide traction. Also consider paddle holders, carry handles, and key stash areas to hold belongings while on the water. If you are in rocky areas, a sturdy nose protector can shield the board from damage.

Where to Buy

Shop at SUP-specialty stores to get properly fitted for a board. Borrowing, renting, or buying used ones can also help save money when first starting out. Just be sure to get a board sized appropriately for your height, weight and skill level.

Practicing Balance and Stance

Mastering your stance and balance is the key to learning handboarding. Here are some tips:

  • Place the board initially on a soft, flat surface like grass or carpet to practice. This will give you a safer place to work on skills before hitting the water.
  • Stand in the center of the board with feet hip-width apart perpendicular to the length of the board. Place them across the widest section for maximum stability.
  • Bend your knees slightly and keep your core engaged, shoulders back and head up. A proper stance should feel like a squat position with weight-centered.
  • Try balancing on one foot at a time, then switching feet to improve your stability. This also helps strengthen stabilizer muscles.
  • Once comfortable balancing in a static stance, practice shifting weight from side to side and front to back. This dynamic balance is key to the water.
  • Have someone move the board gently side-to-side as you stand to improve reactive balance skills.
  • Look ahead, not down at the board, to help steady yourself as the board moves.


Learning to Pop Up

The “pop-up” refers to going from lying or kneeling on the board to standing in one quick, smooth motion. This is a key skill every handboarder must master. Follow these steps:

  • Start by lying belly down near the center of the board. Place toes right at the board’s edge for traction.
  • Plant your hands shoulder-width apart on the sides of the board, palms down and arms straight.
  • In one explosive motion, engage your core, swing your legs beneath your torso, and straighten your arms to lift your body up.
  • Aim to land with knees bent in a low squat, centered on the board. Avoid standing erect initially.
  • Progress to popping up from a kneeling position once comfortable lying down. This is closest to real paddling conditions.
  • Time the pop-up just as the board begins to glide forward from your paddle stroke for good momentum.
  • Practice motion on land until it feels fluid and controlled. Balance will come with time on the water.

Mastering Paddling

Paddling efficiently is what propels you and the board across the water. Use these techniques for optimal paddling:

  • Hold the paddle vertically using both hands, thumbs pointed down the shaft. This allows equal, bilateral paddling motion.
  • Grip the paddle lightly to avoid muscle fatigue, but tight enough to not slip. Keep wrists straight to prevent strain.
  • Stand with feet shoulder-width, perpendicular to the length of the board for stability. The knees should be slightly bent.
  • Keep paddle strokes compact and close to the board to prevent overbalancing. Reach too far and you’ll compromise stability.
  • Reach forward and pull back in smooth motions, rotating your torso fully for each paddle stroke. Power comes from your core rotation.
  • Stroke on each side of the board alternately for continuous propulsion. Find a steady paddling rhythm.
  • Lengthen your strokes and increase the tempo to pick up speed once you have balance and control.

Gaining Stability

Once you can reliably pop up, balance, and paddle on flat water, it’s time to improve overall stability. Here are some pointers:

  • Practice popping up, balancing, and paddling on water as soon as possible. The instability of water requires more ankle, knee and hip flexibility to balance than solid ground.
  • Drop one knee to lower your center of gravity if you feel wobbly. Keep the other leg standing for balance support.
  • Keep your head up, and your eyes focused on the horizon to maintain proper equilibrium. Avoid looking down.
  • Engage your core muscles to control the lateral tilting of the board as you paddle. Strong trunk rotation and engagement are essential.
  • Gradually work your way up to paddling in moderate wind, waves, and currents to improve stability. Consider lessons to safely advance.
  • Challenge your balance by standing on one leg, closing your eyes briefly, or doing paddle boarding yoga moves.

Learning to Steer and Turn

Maneuvering your hand board takes some finesse and practice:

  • Use slight forward paddle strokes on one side of the board to gently steer in that direction. It’s normal for the board to zig-zag at first.
  • To turn quickly, create drag by sweeping your paddle back like a rudder on the opposite side you want to turn.
  • Time your paddle strokes with the board tilt to steer smoothly. If paddling on the right, tilt right to turn right.
  • Lean your body in the direction of the turn using your hips and knees to help initiate momentum.
  • Practice wide, gentle carving turns first. Then work up to tighter turns at varying speeds once stable.
  • Use the rails or your feet to steer once balanced. Just avoid catching the rails too sharply underwater.
  • Lean back slightly when paddling straight to help keep the board tracking straight.

Developing Additional Skills

Once you’ve mastered the basics, you can continue building more advanced handboarding skills:

  • Ride small waves by angling your board to catch the swell. Time your pop-up just before the crest.
  • Practice flatwater paddling sprints to build speed, power, and balance. Start slowly then increase pace.
  • Try practicing paddle boarding yoga poses to improve balance, strength, and flexibility.
  • Dismount safely by stepping back carefully into a kneeling position before lying flat.
  • Learn edging techniques to better lean into and hold a turn. This allows tighter arc turns.
  • Practice paddling in windier conditions for greater stability. Start with light winds and progress.
  • Add a swim fin to your trailing leg’s ankle to improve paddling power when needed.
  • Take rolling classes to safely learn how to handle big waves or rough conditions.

The more time you spend honing your technique on the board, the more adept you will become. Seek out coaching opportunities or paddle board meet-up groups to continue progressing.

playing hand board

Picking Paddle Boarding Locations

Where you choose to go paddle boarding will impact your session. Here are some location factors to consider:

Flatwater Lakes and Ponds

Calm, flat water provides the easiest place for beginners to practice balance and paddling strokes without dealing with waves, wind, or currents. Look for small bodies of water sheltered from the wind.

Rivers and Creeks

Moving water like rivers and creeks adds the element of directional current. Go on mild rivers to avoid intense rapids. Avoid times with heavy motorboat traffic which creates choppy wakes.

Oceans and Bays

Ocean paddling is more advanced and requires wind, swell, tide and navigation skills. Start in protected waters near shore. Identify any potential hazards like boat traffic, rocks, or rip currents. Early mornings often have ideal conditions.

Whitewater Rapids

Only highly skilled paddle boarders should attempt intense rapids. Take whitewater SUP lessons and always wear safety gear. Start with small rapids and work up cautiously.

Canals, Channels and Waterways

Calmer man-made waterways like residential canals can offer nice scenery and protection from wind. But beware of motorized boats on busier channels, which generate disruptive wakes.

Picking Ideal Conditions

In addition to location, conditions play a big role in paddle boarding success. Seek out these ideal conditions, especially as a beginner:

  • Light or calm winds reduce choppiness and improve stability. Under 10 mph is ideal.
  • Small or calm wave action helps avoid imbalance. Less than 1-foot swell is best.
  • Sunny, warm weather helps avoid hypothermia if you fall in the water while learning.
  • Slack or low tides improve access to shallow launch points and reduce currents.
  • Early morning hours typically have optimum winds and tidal conditions.

Avoid stormy, extremely windy, or foggy conditions that impair visibility and make paddling dangerous for beginners.

Hand Boarding Safety

While a fun sport, it’s important to keep safety in mind, especially for beginners:

  • Always wear a proper life jacket, even if you know how to swim. Inflatable jackets allow freedom of movement.
  • Carry a whistle and emergency contact information in case you get injured or stranded. Waterproof canisters will keep items safe.
  • Avoid paddling alone until you have sufficient experience. Go with others who can assist if needed.
  • Check conditions and only paddle within your ability level. Know your limits.
  • Apply plenty of sunscreen and stay hydrated. The sun reflects intensely off the water.
  • Know the local waterway rules and always yield to swimmers, boats, etc. Avoid restricted areas.
  • Take a paddle boarding lesson for initial instructions if possible. Proper form prevents injury.
  • Start each session with light stretches to prevent muscle strains. Yoga poses prepare the body.
  • Always secure the board’s leash to your ankle or vest. This prevents board loss if you fall.

Adhering to basic safety precautions will help ensure your handboarding experiences are enjoyable. As your skills improve over time, be sure to refresh your safety knowledge periodically.

many skate boards


Handboarding offers a rewarding way to enjoy the water while building balance, strength, and stamina. Take the time to master key beginner techniques and safety measures for getting started.

Patience and practice are needed to develop confidence on the board. But with dedication to the basics outlined here, anyone can learn to hand board skillfully and have a blast doing it.

Soon you’ll be able to paddle with ease, take on new challenges, and explore exciting destinations from a unique water-level perspective.



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